In mobility Youth Open Up, Build Friendships And Increase Confidence In Their Abilities

“I have made new friends”, “I can be open”, “everyone is friendly and responsive”, “no one laughs at each other”, “we find common interests”, “we work as a team”, “it was fun”, “I like games and dances” – these are just some of the young people’s opinions about the mobility that took place in the Erasmus+ project “Mobile Program for Youth Learners” (MoPYL).

Since the goal of the project is to develop leadership skills, motivation, responsibility and a sense of belonging in teenagers, mobility classes, games, sports, active recreation and other types of activities were designed to improve these skills and qualities, moreover, based on basic Christian values, which include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Attention was also focused on lifelong learning competencies such as communication in native and foreign languages, understanding of culture and its manifestations, as well as the ability to learn. Thus, mobility gave young people the opportunity to socialize, form new friendships, develop communication skills, discuss topics relevant to teenagers, life values, as well as improve their knowledge of the English language in an interactive way.

Mutual understanding, empathy for each other and friendship among young people prevailed throughout the mobility period. Experienced leaders were able to create such a trusting and open atmosphere. Among them is Baiba Kēnigsvalde: “The most valuable thing is to see how and how quickly young people who previously did not know each other form friendships and want to spend time together. We, the leadership team, are already beyond the age range of issues that these teenagers face, but we can guide them and share our experiences, while at the same time understanding so well what they are talking about. It is a great value.”

Project leader Sandija Zaļupe also emphasizes: “In order for a young person to develop and mature into a responsible, motivated personality endowed with leadership skills, the environment in which to do this is important. In Mobility, every teenager is valued, supported and inspired to realize that he is a great person with unique opportunities to improve and achieve everything he wants responsibly, and there are no barriers to this. A supportive environment increases young people’s confidence in themselves and their abilities.”

The project “Mobile program for young people” is co-funded by the European Union. It is implemented in the “Erasmus+” program in cooperation with the Agency for International Programs for Youth.

The project “Mobile program for young people” is financed with the support of the “Erasmus+” program of the European Commission. This publication reflects the author’s views only and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.