On April 13 in the Erasmus+ project “Mobile Program For Youth Learners” (MoPYL) implemented by representatives of Krimulda ev.luth. congregation, a focus group discussion was organized, in which the participants – a teacher, a social worker, a non-formal education worker and manager, a volunteer in the social field and an expert in Christian values - discussed the results of survey about the values and role of teenagers in society conducted within the project. It should be recalled that the project develops a non-formal education curriculum for the development of youth leadership skills, and based on Christian values, or the fruits of the Holy Spirit, it is “brought to life” in the congregation`s Sunday school classes for teenagers.
Read moreYouth Leadership Training Continues In Sunday School Of Krimulda Congregation

The second lesson was held in the in Sunday school of Krimulda congregation, where teenagers started curriculum for developing leadership skills, as well as promoting motivation and a sense of belonging. Sunday school classes for young people are led by the author of the idea, a member of the Krimulda congregation council, Sandija Zalupe.
Read moreThe First Face-To-Face Sunday School Lesson Delighted The Hearts Of Children And Young People

Sunday, March 13, Krimuldas ev.lut. in the church, after a long break, children and young people gathered again in person for the Sunday school lesson. The joy of meeting was genuine and heart-warming. It was made even more special by the presence of invited guests – missionary David Jose Saharaui, musician Aivars Lapsanas, violinist Ilze Gagaine. At the same time, this was the first lesson that took place within the Erasmus + program project “Mobile Program for Youth Learners” (MoPYL), in which a curriculum with 39 lesson plans of Sunday school lessons based on Christian values is developed for developing leadership and motivation for young people.
Read moreSecond meeting for the leadership curriculum development team – this time online

On February 2, the team of the Erasmus+ project “Mobile Program for Youth Learners” (MoPYL) implemented by the Krimuldas ev.luth. congregation met together online. This was the second meeting of the project participants, the first one was held in person in Krimulda in December. The meeting was chaired by Sandija Zalupe, the author and leader of the project idea, a member of the congregation council. The course of the project was discussed online with the representatives of the Romanian Scout Society and the St. Gabriel School, including the development of lesson plans, conducting research among teenagers and other activities.
Read moreIn The Project Implemented By Krimulda Congregation, the Opinion Of Young People About Values, Abilities And Role In Society Will Be Studied

Krimuldas ev.luth. the congregation continues to implement the Erasmus+ project “Mobile Program for Youth Learners” (MoPYL), in which a curriculum of non-formal education for young people for the development of leadership skills is being developed. On February 2, representatives Read more